Cavett “Cat” Thorne is a native Texan and communications professional. She earned her Master of Arts degree from Johns Hopkins University in communication, with a concentration in public and media relations, and a dual Bachelor of Science degree in speech communications and sociology from Houston Baptist University.

She has more than eight years of experience in nonprofit, government, and education communications. Name a communications tactic, and she’s likely tackled it at some point in her career.

She is a multitasker at heart. While leading client work at EnJoy, she also serves as the Deputy Chief of Communications, Marketing, and Creative for one of the country's most prominent charter school systems. Prior, she led communications work for IDEA Public Schools and the Texas A&M University system, and had a distinct opportunity to learn the ropes of communications as an intern at the White House during the Obama Administration.

She started EnJoy Communications in 2021 and named the business after her mother and daughter, who share Joy as a middle name. She loves it! Upon meeting her, many think she is an introvert; however, she is just an excellent listener who is always first on the dance floor and eagerly awaits the chance to deliver a perfectly placed one-liner.